NEFPS Supports Northeast FL Medical Society Re: DCMS President’s Political Ads

Aug 7, 2020 | News

Dear NEFPS members,

As was discussed at our quarterly meeting last week, the NE Florida Medical Society has asked for our support in their objection to the sitting DCMS president running for political office with ads that are against the recommendations of numerous medical associations, including the AMA and AAP. Images of shooting a shot gun at topics that the candidate finds objectionable are featured in the advertising. These images normalize violence in dealing with issues over which intelligent people may disagree. Additionally, the candidate’s support of dismantling the ACA will disproportionately affect the marginalized members of society, including tens of thousands of children. 

The NEFPS supports physicians in pursuing their political and civic aspirations. We in the healthcare field are better able to advocate for causes that affect the children in our society. In areas that we as individuals disagree we look forward to respectful discussion. But to represent an entire organization yet espouse individual views only serves to cause a divisive rift in our medical community. To that end we, the NEFPS, supports the NEFMS in its cause.

If any of you should have comments, critiques or concerns, you may send them to me at You may view the NEFMS position statement “Not Politics as Usual” and the NEFPS support letter on our web page.


Bethany Atkins, MD
President, NEFPS

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